REFOG Terminal Monitor review
An Employee Tracking System for Terminal Servers
With REFOG Terminal Monitor, you will effectively supervise and control all your employees’ PCs from a single center.
This product runs on a Terminal Server. It intercepts and logs computer activity of the employees you selected to track and provides you with the reports, from which you will learn what exactly these users are doing on their workstations. Thus, REFOG Terminal Monitor is a great tool for keeping a timesheet, improving employee productivity, and enforce your company’s security policies.
Implementing Corporate Security Policies
REFOG Terminal Monitor help you maintain proper discipline in the workplace and enforce your corporate security policies. Your company’s managers and administrators will be sure that all employees are loyal and are really working during their working hours.
REFOG Terminal Monitor offers a number of advanced features that make this product a must-have for any business where considerable volume of work is done on PCs. Application tracking records what software your employees launch and for how long.
Keylogging enables you to see – and retrieve at any time – everything typed on any keyboard. If any of the pre-set key words or phrases is detected, you will instantly get an alert about this incident. It will help you implement all applicable corporate policies and prevent information leaks.
Your employees’ talk in popular instant messengers won’t be secret from you, thanks to a special chat monitoring module, which will intercept, decode, and log both sides of the conversation. You will be in the know what websites your employees visit: info about their Web surfing, webpage views, searches, etc. will be saved as well.

Real-Time Monitoring Prevents Security Breaches
You can set REFOG Terminal Monitor so that it will instantly warn you about certain users’ activities. For example, typing one of the pre-defined key words and phrases will result in sending you an alert. Such alerts are essential to ensure prevention or immediate reaction to various incidents like information leaks, abuse of intellectual property and security breaches. Also, use of REFOG Terminal Monitor helps to collect solid evidence against the perpetrator.
Improving Employee Performance
If an employee is under constant surveillance while at work, he or she by all means will spend more time working rather than playing games, surfing the Web or chatting. Moreover, if you wish to improve employee performance, it will be necessary for you to find out what exactly your employees are doing at their PCs.
What apps and programs your employees use – and for how long; what they search on the Web and what sites they visit; what they are talking about in IMs during their working hours – all this information is crucial if you want to enhance productivity of your personnel.

A picture is worth a thousand words
The reports provided by REFOG Terminal Monitor are easy to comprehend and use. Screenshots taken in pre-set intervals excellently illustrate user’s performance; also, chat conversations, keystrokes and other info is presented in a convenient form for each user separately.
What apps and programs your employees use – and for how long; what they search on the Web and what sites they visit; what they are talking about in IMs during their working hours – all this information is crucial if you want to enhance productivity of your personnel.
Background Operation
If you wish, your employees will be unaware of being monitored: REFOG Terminal Monitor, installed at on your Terminal Server, runs on the background. It means that the program itself could be invisible and unreachable for the PC users who are being monitored. For each employee, the system keeps an individual log file, for the info about all the keystrokes typed, apps used, Web sites visited, etc. Also, snapshots of the user’s PC screen captured periodically are kept by the system as well.

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